Thursday, June 4, 2009

Getting To Know Emerson McKnight

Turns 2 years old today

Has light brown hair that sticks straight up in all the places you want it to lay down,
and chestnut eyes you can get lost in

Dances like a madman to "Alligator Pie" and "Shake Me Like A Monkey" by Dave Matthews Band

Kicks the soccer ball like a pro

Loves watching the fish tank at his doctor's office

Would take a bowl of fruit over a cookie any day

Chases our dogs and cat like an Olympic sprinter

Gives the sweetest kisses I've ever known

Instantly brings smiles to whomever he meets

Makes me eternally grateful

Happy Birthday, Emerson McKnight.

Monday, May 18, 2009

It's the little things...

It never ceases to amaze me just how much a simple thing, like a kiss from Emerson or a joke from Michael can brighten even the most frustrating of days.  It's as if, when I come home, the worries and stress of the world melt away.  

Case and point- this afternoon.  School was stressful today: parent emails, students who are ready for the school year to be over, NJHS Induction preparations steadily underway, papers to grade- you get the gist.  Enter Emerson and Michael McKnight.  I went to pick up Emerson from school, and something about the bright smile that I get from the little guy every day when I walk into his classroom starts to chip away at the disturbances of the day.  

After getting in the car, I called Michael, who suggested that we eat dinner at a little place in Justin called Mom's Cafe.  It's one of those places with kitschy walls and ads for local businesses under the glass on the tables, a place that leaves you smelling of a mixture of cigarette smoke and good ol' home cooking.  Basically, this place reeks of good food and good times.

So, after two slices of ham, a mound of mashed potatoes smothered in cream gravy, a side of pears, and a slice of pecan pie topped with Blue Bell vanilla ice cream, Emerson and I got in the car ready to follow Daddy home.

And this is where God turned up the wattage on my otherwise dismal day.  As Emerson and I were listening to my iPod on the way home from dinner, Dave Matthews' version of the 80's hit, "Sledgehammer" came on.  Needless to say, I immediately turned up the volume.  Now, share this moment with me, if you can.  The guitar starts wailing, Dave starts singing, and giggling erupts from the backseat.  Following this laughter I hear little Emerson yelling, with all of the happiness he can muster, "Dave! Dave Matthews! Sledgehammer!"  In the rearview mirror, all I see is Emerson's little head bopping from side to side.  What's a mom to do?  To start dancing too, of course! And to sing into her make-believe microphone.  And to give Emerson the make-believe microphone every time the word "Sledgehammer" is uttered in the song.

All of this amidst Maddie's kicking in my belly.  What more can a person ask for, really?

It's the simple moments that make all of life's frustrations worth it.  As the Little Prince would tell you, it's all about being tamed, about having relationships- that's what breeds these sweet times.  It's what makes every moment of life worthwhile.

Monday, April 20, 2009

10 Years Ago

10 years ago today I can remember coming home from a normal day in high school and hearing the news of the shooting at Columbine.  The whole idea of these teenagers coming into a school, which should be a safe place, and just obliterating other humans' lives was so mind boggling to me.  The next day at school I had a very different perspective on every student I saw; I started thinking about what I would do if a similar situation were to happen to me.
Only a year after Columbine, I was given the opportunity to pray around the Columbine High School flagpole.  A group from my church, Wedgwood Baptist, stopped in Columbine on the way to our ski trip since we shared a bond with the Columbine students: a shooting happened at our church only months after the Columbine shooting shook our world.  What an amazing experience it was to pray for the healing of the students and teachers of Columbine High School around their very flagpole.  
Today, I pray again for that healing.  I know that anniversaries open nearly healed scars, and I know that sometimes that can hurt worse with time.  I'm thinking of you, Columbine, CO.  

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Writing Again...

I've been thinking for a long time now about the fact that I need to get back to writing.  It used to be the way that I expressed my feelings; I would write every single night during middle and high school, but I stopped writing after the shooting at my church.  In fact, the last time that I really sat down and poured my heart onto the paper was when I wrote my recollection of the shooting... since then... I haven't been able to muster up the courage to put pen to paper.  It was like I just put up a wall and decided to stop expressing what was deep inside.   I suppose that I've been afraid of finding out what's really in there since that time in my life.  I've thought about it though, and it's almost been 10 years... my life is great.  I'm blessed with a beautiful family, my dream job, and so, so, much more.  It's time for me to face the deep down 'stuff' and just write.  So, here I am, writing again.

And you know what?  I'm calling this stage of my life my happily ever after.  Why?  Because there's really not a lot more that I could ask for.  Even through the rough patches, I know that I am loved by my Lord, above all else.  I don't think that I really knew that the last time that I wrote, almost 10 years ago.  There is a joy and a peace that comes with that knowledge.

Welcome to my happily ever after.